


The company and the company's expert database have environmental protection experts and professional technical service teams in the environmental protection industry chain, and can provide one-stop services such as environmental protection housekeeping.

They have practical experience and high level in environmental protection technical consultation and environmental engineering, covering soil remediation, atmospheric pollution control, sewage treatment, solid waste disposal, etc..

Specific service content:

1.Party B shall use Party's professional knowledge, technical team, scientific research achievements and resources in the industry to provide Party A with annual environmental protection technical advisory services;

2.At the request of Party A, teach environmental knowledge and answer environmental protection policies;

3.Party B surveys and evaluates Party A's environmental protection measures in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and issues consulting proposals;

4.At the request of Party A, regarding the environmental violations that Party A has already faced or may have, Party B conducts analysis and demonstration, proposes solutions, puts forward expert opinions, presents solutions and participates in adjustments, and does its utmost to safeguard Party A's interests.

5.Party B assists Party A in improving the environmental protection measures and has the conditions for the acceptance of environmental protection.

6.Party B shall establish a separate file for Party A's business, keep a complete work record, and properly keep Party A's original evidence, legal documents and property;

7.Party B will do a good job of communication between Party A and the EPA.

The company has established a cooperative relationship of production, education, and research as a technical support with the School of Environment and Resources of Zhejiang University and the Institute of Science and Technology of Zhejiang University of Technology. It can solve complex pollution problems.

So far, China Railway Group, Shengli Oilfield, Dongtou Wind Power Project, Zhejiang Taihu Lake Group, Xinhu Real Estate and other large enterprises have provided consultant and butler services, it also provides a one-stop solution for many sewage companies in our province.

http://hbyoufaguandao.com http://hxpmsj.com http://lihuaqinhang.com
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