Japan's central electric power company said the hamaoka nuclear power plant in Shizuoka Prefecture leaked more than 110 tons.
According to Japan's Kyodo news agency, the water leakage accident occurred in hamaoka nuclear power plant unit 1, which leaked 110 tons of fire water, of which about 15 tons flowed into the building where the nuclear reactor is located, and about 95 tons flowed into the temporary storage tank of nuclear sewage.
The central power company, the operator of bingang nuclear power plant, said that in the early morning of January 9, a water leakage alarm sounded in the turbine room. After checking, the staff found that the building where the nuclear reactor is located had serious water accumulation. Unit 1 of bingang nuclear power plant is in the process of waste boiler operation, but the accident will not have any impact on the areas outside the nuclear power plant.
Source: China Environment News