



Great progress in accident rescue of Hushan gold mine in Qixia


Reporters in Shandong Qixia Hushan gold mine explosion rescue site headquarters learned that, according to the note sent back from the mine, "five section" has 11 people, "six section" has one person, and another 10 people are unknown. The follow-up rescue work is still in full swing. The reporter learned that the diameter of No. 3 borehole is 219mm, leading from the ground to the roadway where the trapped people were at the time of the accident. The No. 3 borehole was opened at about 13:56 on the 17th, and a response was received from the downhole percussion drill pipe. On the night of the 17th, supplies, including flashlight, nutrient solution, medicine, paper and pen, were put into borehole 3. Rescue workers felt that someone had pulled the wire rope below.

At 14:00 on January 10, an explosion occurred in Hushan gold mine in Qixia, Shandong Province, trapping 22 workers more than 600 meters underground. The rescue was carried out in accordance with the idea of "two legs" in parallel. On the one hand, it was necessary to speed up the clearance of obstacles in the return air shaft; on the other hand, it was necessary to speed up the drilling on the ground to open up a life passage.

Source: Economic Daily

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