



Resigning old and welcoming new


On January 13, 2019, the company held the annual work summary and work outlook meeting throughout the day. The heads of various departments, branches, and business departments successively made work summary of their respective departments, and also made recommendations on the work of the head office. General Manager An Jun and Chief Engineer Jin Yongping gave explanations and guidance on management work and technical work, and fully communicated with everyone in work communication and convergence and technical standards. Finally, Chairman Gu Yunhui made a comprehensive summary of the company's achievements and shortcomings in the past year, affirming the company's development in 2018. The company signed more than 600 technical consulting contracts and engineering contracts last year to serve enterprises in Zhejiang Province. More than 500, compared with 2017, sales revenue increased by 330%, the company received 7 government honors, 8 industry qualifications, competency certificates, 17 intellectual property rights, in the development of innovation---the construction and establishment of smart environmental protection service platform. The establishment of Zhejiang Aiwenge Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and the international business development of the Belt and Road International has done a solid job. While these achievements are affirmative, the chairman also analyzed the problems existing in the work in 2018 and proposed rectification. Claim. At the same time, the important work of 2019 and the reform of the shareholding system in 2020 were also made. At the end of the meeting, the chairman of the meeting said with emotion: "The first time I heard the song is not clear, and I listen to it again. It can't be kept for a long time. I can live with the friendship forever." The meeting successfully completed various issues and achieved substantial results. The love of Wenger in 2019 will not forget the beginning of the heart.

The head office management department, the heads of various branch companies and business departments attended the meeting, and the main person in charge of the “Guanjiagong” team attended the meeting.


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