



The Fifth BRICS Conference of Ministers of Environment was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil


    The Fifth BRICS Conference of Ministers of Environment was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on August 15, 2019, with the theme of "Contribution of Urban Environmental Management to Improving Urban Quality of Life". The meeting was chaired by Ricardo Sales, Minister of Environment of Brazil, and attended by Huang Runqiu, Vice Minister of Ecological Environment of China, Kobelkin, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia, Prakash Jawadka, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change of India, and Barbara Krishi, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries of South Africa. The meeting deliberated and adopted documents such as the Joint Statement of the Fifth BRICS Conference of Ministers of Environment and Ministerial Decisions.


     At the meeting, when speaking, China pointed out that Chinese President Xi Jinping had put forward a series of new ideas, new ideas, new strategies and new requirements for the construction of ecological civilization and the protection of ecological environment. Under the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, through actively carrying out the defense wars of blue sky, clear water and pure land, the industrial structure was optimized. Series of measures, China's ecological environment protection work has made new progress and achievements. The BRICS Ministerial Conference on Environment has become an important platform for BRICS countries to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, enhance the level of environmental management, and meet global environmental challenges. BRICS countries'environmental cooperation has shifted to institutional operation, and from dialogue and exchanges to pragmatic cooperation. He hoped that in the process of creating the second Golden Decade in the future, BRICS countries would further deepen environmental cooperation, seek a green development path and build a community of human destiny.

        The meeting discussed issues related to urban environmental management such as marine garbage, solid waste management, air quality, environmental sanitation and water quality, and remediation of polluted sites, and discussed the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework for the year 2020, the Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Cooperation among BRICS Countries and the implementation of existing cooperation initiatives. On. All parties indicated that they would contribute to the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, to be held in China in 2020, and actively participate in the formulation of the global biodiversity framework after 2020.

         During the meeting, the head of the Chinese delegation held working talks with other heads of delegation and exchanged views on environmental issues of common concern.

 Source: Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China

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