



Opinions on Environmental Protection Acceptance of Completion and Expansion Project of Longquan Hydropower Station in Longquan City


Opinions on Environmental Protection Acceptance of Completion and Expansion Project of Longquan Hydropower Station in Longquan City

According to the "Regulations on Environmental Protection Management of Construction Projects" and the "Interim Measures for Environmental Protection Acceptance of Construction Projects Completion". On the afternoon of July 6, 2018, Longquan Linlong Power Station organized the acceptance meeting of the “Enhanced Expansion and Reconstruction Project of Longquan Hydropower Station in Longquan City”. The participants are Longquan City Water Conservancy Bureau, Huzhou Prossex Testing Technology Co., Ltd. (acceptance monitoring unit), Zhejiang Guangchuan Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. (EIA unit), Longquan Linlong Power Station and other units. The relevant technical personnel of Lishui City were invited to serve as technical experts (see list for details). The acceptance work team on-site surveyed the construction, operation and management of the main project and supporting environmental protection facilities, listened to the reports of the relevant units, consulted the relevant archives, and conducted serious discussions. The contents of the speeches of the participants were combined to form the following opinions:

一、Basic situation of engineering construction

(一)Construction location, scale, main construction content

Linlong Hydropower Station is located in the village of Zhuxia Township, Longquan City.The development project is in the development plan of Hengxi tributary water resources in Longquan City. The power station is a small (2) hydropower project mainly based on power generation.The river is located 1.2 km upstream of the village of Zhuxia Township, and the factory is located on the right bank of the bureau. The main construction contents are reinforcement and reconstruction of the river raft, reconstruction of the original water pipe, addition of ecological flow discharge facilities, transformation of power generation water diversion system (water supply tunnel, pressure pipeline), replacement of electromechanical equipment, plant and booster station renovation. Construction scale: installed capacity 2 × 800 kW.

(二)Construction process and environmental approval

In December 2017, the company entrusted Zhejiang Zhongyang Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd. Lishui Company to complete the “Water Resources Argument Report for the Longquan City Linlong Hydropower Station Efficiency Expansion Project”. On December 28, 2017, the review opinion of Longshuili [2017] No. 282 “Longquan Water Conservancy Bureau on water resources demonstration of the Longquan Hydropower Station in Longquan City was obtained. In April 2018, Zhejiang Guangchuan Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. was entrusted to complete the "Environmental Impact Report of the Longquan City Linlong Hydropower Station Efficiency Expansion Project". On June 1, 2018, the company obtained the letter of approval from Longhuan [2018] No. 20 on the environmental impact report of the construction project of the Longquan Hydropower Station in Longquan City. 

(三)Investment situation

The total investment of the project is 4.46 million yuan, of which environmental protection investment is 235,000 yuan, accounting for 5.3% of the total investment.

(四)Acceptance range

For the entire experience of the project.

二、The project changes

Based on site surveys and corporate data access,the main projects such as the river block, the water conveyance tunnel, the pressure steel pipe, the power house and the booster station of the Longquan Hydropower Station in Longquan City have all been completed. The acceptance and acceptance phases are basically consistent with the EIA and the approval, with no major changes.

三、The implementation of environmental protection facilities

Longquan Linlong Power Station has built the following ecological and environmental protection facilities in accordance with the requirements of the “EIA Report” and “EIA Appraisal”:

1. Ecological environment

During the construction period of the project, there is no new permanent land occupation and temporary land occupation. During the construction period, the warehouse and temporary construction facilities are within the scope of the project management area. The temporary housing for construction will be rented for private housing, and no additional land will be acquired. This expansion and reconstruction project will add an ecological discharge discharge pipe (φ180mm) on the right bank of the river to ensure a minimum discharge flow of 0.462 m3 / s. If the upstream water supply is less than the ecological flow rate of 0.0462 m3 / s, the upstream water is all discharged to ensure downstream living and production water.

2.Exhaust gas

During the construction period, the exhaust gas is mainly used for excavation, agitation, cement loading and unloading of dust in the operation area, exhaust gas and dust generated during driving of the vehicle, and measures such as covering and watering are adopted to reduce the impact of construction activities on the atmospheric environment. No waste gas is generated during the operation of the project.

3.Waste water

During the construction period, the production wastewater is used for watering in the construction area after simple sedimentation treatment, and is not discharged into the environment. During the construction period and operation period, the domestic sewage of employees shall be included in the sewage treatment facilities of the sub-village. The project power house does not have accommodation and accommodation.

四、The effectiveness of environmental protection facilities commissioning and environmental impact

According to the completion of the project of Environmental Protection Acceptance Survey of Huzhou Prosecus Testing Technology Co., Ltd., it can be known that:

1. Ecological environment

The surface area of the project development disturbance is not large, involving a small area of terrestrial ecosystems, accounting for a small proportion of the total area of river ecosystems in the Hengxi River Basin, and has little impact on the integrity and stability of the terrestrial ecosystem of the engineering design. There are no rare and protected animals and plants along the project, no rare fish, no cultural relics protection units, and no resettlement. After the addition of the ecological discharge flow, the synergy expansion project can basically maintain the ecological landscape water use in the dewatering section.

2.Ambient air

During the acceptance period, the SO2 and NO2 indicators of power plant houses and residential buildings are in compliance with the Class II standard of Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-2012).

3.Waste water

During the construction period, the production wastewater is treated and then used for watering, and the employee's domestic sewage is included in the bureau's sewage treatment system. During the acceptance period, the monitoring factors of each monitoring section of surface water are in line with the Class II standard of Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard (GB3838-2002). 

During the monitoring and investigation period, the production conditions basically meet the acceptance monitoring requirements.

五、General conclusion

The archives of environmental protection facilities construction of Longquan Linlong Power Station Project are basically complete, and the requirements for environmental protection and rectification have been fully implemented; the project has basically implemented the construction requirements for pollution prevention measures in the “EIA Review Document” and “EIA Review”; The operation effect of environmental protection facilities has basically met relevant emission standards and relevant regulations; various environmental management systems have been basically implemented.

At present, the project has completed the completion of environmental protection acceptance of construction projects.

Publicity period: July 10, 2018 - August 10, 2018

Report phone number:

Publicity location:

Note: The acceptance monitoring results are detailed on the public website.

Longquan Linlong Power Station

July 10, 2018


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