



Scientifically understand and promote the green development of Agriculture


Promoting the green development of agriculture is a profound revolution in the concept of agricultural development. Since the eighteen Party's Congress, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core has made a series of major decisions and plans, and the green development of agriculture has achieved a good start. According to China's agricultural green development report 2019, the national agricultural green development index increased from 73.46 to 76.12 in 2012-2018, which has been improved to varying degrees in terms of resource conservation and conservation, ecological environment security, green product supply, rich and beautiful life, providing basic support for the construction of ecological culture. At the same time, we should also see that China's agricultural green development is still unbalanced and inadequate, and there is still a lot of room for improvement compared with the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the expectations of the people. For example, the extensive management mode of agriculture mainly relying on resource consumption has not fundamentally changed, the trend of agricultural non-point source pollution and ecological degradation has not been effectively curbed, and the supply of green and high-quality agricultural products and ecological products can not meet the growing needs of the people. To consolidate the good momentum of green development of agriculture, we must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization, and scientifically understand and promote the green development of agriculture.

Scientific understanding of agricultural green development. From the perspective of historical practice, agricultural green development is a valuable crystallization of China's excellent farming culture. In the process of long-term development, the Chinese nation has formed the concept of agricultural time to avoid harm, the concept of soil fertility to distinguish soil and fertilizer, and the concept of recycling to turn harm into benefit and turn waste into treasure, which provides important ideological and cultural resources for promoting the green development of contemporary agriculture. From the perspective of practical measures, agricultural green development is the concrete embodiment of the new development concept in the field of agriculture and rural areas. In recent years, we have thoroughly implemented the Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, persisted in the new development concept, carried out the pilot project of high standard farmland construction and farmland rotation fallow, implemented the "five major actions" of livestock and poultry manure utilization, fruit and vegetable tea organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer, straw treatment in Northeast China, agricultural film recovery, and aquatic life protection with the Yangtze River as the key point, and created the "two major actions". It has been approved as a national leading area for agricultural green development. The opinions on innovating the system and mechanism to promote the green development of Agriculture issued by the general office of the CPC Central Committee and the general office of the State Council marks that our party's understanding of the regularity of the green development of agriculture has risen to a new height, has become a guiding document for the green development of agriculture at present and in the future, and plays an important leading role in promoting the revitalization of rural areas. From the world trend, green development of agriculture is the inevitable choice of agricultural modernization. China has fully learned from the experience and lessons of developed countries and some developing countries in the aspect of agricultural sustainable development since the last century, and promoted the transformation of the concept of agricultural sustainable development from simply focusing on environmental protection in the past to a high degree of life community, focusing on the coordinated realization of multiple objectives of resources, safety, health, industry and environment. From the perspective of scientific and technological progress, agricultural green development is the product of the development of digital technology and biotechnology. With the development and application of Internet of things, big data, blockchain and other new generation information technology and new breeding and cultivation technology, agricultural production technology is changing from increasing fertilizer, medicine, water and labor to reducing fertilizer, medicine, water and labor. This has opened up a new way to continuously promote the green development of China's agriculture, ensure national food safety, and accelerate agricultural modernization.

Using scientific thinking and methods to plan the green development of agriculture. On the one hand, we should stick to the bottom line, take the overall situation into consideration and attach importance to innovation. Adhering to the bottom line of food security, the red line of cultivated land quantity and quality and the red line of water resources, starting from the overall situation, long-term nature and complexity of agricultural green development, we should strengthen strategic planning, strengthen risk response, persist in long-term work, and promote the comprehensive reform of agricultural development from ideas to methods, policies and measures to work arrangements, so as to realize the sustainable development of agriculture. On the other hand, we should strengthen systematic thinking and adhere to overall consideration. Agricultural green development runs through all aspects of rural revitalization, which is a grand system engineering. It is necessary to systematically study and grasp the inherent laws of agricultural green development factors, such as soil, water, gas, seed, fertilizer, medicine, waste and biodiversity, so as to improve green total factor productivity; comprehensively and coordinately promote, focus on the relationship between quality and quantity, achieve the best output and benefit with the minimum input and environmental cost; properly handle the relationship between government and market, and fully mobilize all kinds of resources The market main body participates in the agricultural green development enthusiasm, the initiative, the creativity.

Follow the scientific path to promote the green development of agriculture. Strengthen the theoretical research of agricultural green development, focus on the basic theory of agricultural green development, adhere to the combination of theory and practice, continue to deepen the theoretical research, enrich the theoretical connotation, and get rid of ideological barriers. In order to speed up the R & D and application of agricultural green development technology, in the face of the requirements of increasing the supply of high-quality agricultural products and based on the carrying capacity of resources and environment, around the "agricultural resources and environment protection, precise factor input, intensive and efficient production technology, ecological cycle of industrial mode, complete quality standards and norms", according to the ideas of system, integration and intelligence, we solved the "neck" technical problems, We should innovate and integrate green agricultural technology, accelerate the R & D and application of green agricultural machinery and equipment, and promote the green transformation of agricultural science and technology. We should optimize the policy and institutional environment for agricultural green development, improve the input subsidy system oriented by green and ecology, strengthen the policy support of interest compensation, cultivated land protection compensation, ecological compensation and financial incentive in major grain producing areas, and pay attention to the role of Finance and insurance; improve the relevant laws and regulations for green agriculture, and build an agricultural green development system with clear standards, effective incentives and strong constraints Develop institutional environment. We should strengthen the standardization, industrialization, marketization and digitization of agricultural green development, speed up the establishment of agricultural green standard system, implement the action of reaching the standard and improving quality, guide the business entities to promote agricultural standardized production, strengthen the whole process supervision of the quality and safety of agricultural products, optimize the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, increase the supply of rural ecological service products, and pay attention to the full play of the role Market function can stimulate the endogenous power of all kinds of subjects, guide the green development of agriculture to take a benign and sustainable road; pay attention to the construction of big data, promote the digital transformation of agricultural production, and lay a solid foundation for the green transformation of agricultural production and lifestyle.

Source: People's daily

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