



Leading the construction of ecological civilization in the new development stage with the concept of system


The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee put forward the principles that China's economic and social development must follow during the "14th five year plan" period: adhering to the party's overall leadership, people-centered, new development concept, deepening reform and opening up, and systematic concept. For the first time, the concept of system has been written into the central document, which is the basic principle of China's economic and social development.

In terms of connotation, "system concept" and "system" are directly related, and the relationship between them is the relationship between epistemology, methodology and world outlook. In other words, the former is the reflection of the latter in epistemology and practice. The so-called system is an organic whole with certain functions composed of elements in a certain structure or form, including three aspects: constituent elements, structural forms and functions. The elements constitute the system, the structure stipulates the elements, and the structure and the elements form a specific function. System concept is a kind of thinking method and working method. Its core is to regard the object as a system in the process of understanding and transforming the world, and analyze its constituent elements, structural forms, functional effects, external environment and change rules.

The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee stressed that to adhere to the concept of system, we must strengthen forward-looking thinking, overall planning, strategic layout and overall promotion. This is a detailed decomposition of the system concept from four aspects: the direction of system evolution, the internal and external environment of the system, the internal structure and the overall function of the elements. This points out the basic methods, key areas and key links for how to adhere to and use the system concept in the new development stage. In the next 15 years, especially in the period of the 14th five year plan, the construction of ecological civilization under the guidance of system concept must also start from these four aspects.

Strengthen the forward thinking and strategic foresight of new ecological environmental problems in the new development stage

In different stages of development, under different economic and industrial structures, the types and degrees of ecological environmental problems are different. This is because, as a system, the ecological environment is closely related to the human production system and living system, and the ecological environment problems are constantly changing with the changes of the external system. It is a positive response to the dynamic evolution of the ecological environment system to make forward thinking and strategic foresight on the future ecological environment problems, and to adjust, regulate and even determine the current behavior.

With the advent of a new round of scientific and technological revolution, a large number of new materials and new energy technologies are emerging, which is bound to change the future industrial structure and types of consumer goods, affect human production and lifestyle, such as electronic waste, express packaging waste, micro plastic particles and other issues will gradually highlight, which is bound to bring new challenges and difficulties to the future environmental governance.

At present, although China is gradually turning to high-quality development, it is not easy to achieve high-quality development in one move. Although the output of China's major industrial products, such as steel, cement, glass, thermal power and petrochemicals, has reached the peak, this peak platform period may remain for 5-10 years before it changes. We need to anchor the long-term goal of ecological civilization construction in 2035 of "widely forming green production and life style, stable and declining after the peak of carbon emissions, fundamentally improving the ecological environment, and basically realizing the goal of building a beautiful China". We need to make forward-looking thinking and strategic foresight, research and develop relevant environmental protection technologies in advance, optimize the industrial structure, and carry out relevant institutional innovation. Only in this way can we seize the initiative in the construction of ecological civilization and meet the growing demand of the people for beautiful ecological products and services.

Strengthen the analysis and overall planning of the internal and external environment of ecological civilization construction in the new development stage

In the view of system theory, any system has three connotations. Firstly, it is an independent system; secondly, it is a parent system with many subsystems; finally, it is a small subsystem in a larger parent system. Although the system has levels and boundaries, they are not absolute, but relative. This requires us to open our horizons, broaden our horizons, and locate and develop the system in a variety of crisscross system communities. Only in this way can we fully and accurately grasp the specific provisions of the system itself, determine its real value, and make its function operation subject to the parent system serving a larger scale.

At present, to promote the construction of ecological civilization, we should see that it is a millennium plan related to the well-being of the people and the future of the nation. During the "14th five year plan" period, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is in a critical period. The construction of ecological civilization should be carried out on the premise of realizing the strategic overall situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great change of the world in a century. We should see that saving and protecting resources is one of the basic national policies, which must be implemented in the primary stage of socialism. To see that it is one of the five in one overall layout of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must integrate the construction of ecological civilization into economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction. We should see that ecological environment is not only an economic issue, but also a livelihood issue, a political issue, a civilization issue and a diplomatic issue. A good ecological environment is the support point of economic and social development, the growth point of people's happy life and the driving force of a good international image. We should see that a good ecological environment is not only a burden and burden of economic and social development, but also a treasure of Jinshan and Yinshan. We should see that the prominent position of ecological civilization construction in the process of all-round socialist modernization construction is different from the core position of innovation in socialist modernization construction and the important position of "three rural" work in socialist modernization construction. To see that the harmonious co-existence of man and nature is one of the basic strategies of Xi Jinping's China's socialist ideology in the new era. We should see that "beauty" is one of the five basic characteristics and one of the five new development concepts of a socialist modern country.

In order to build ecological civilization in the new development stage, we should make qualitative and strategic plans in these overall situations. Otherwise, we will not be able to understand the great strategic significance of ecological civilization construction and fall into narrow transactional or departmentalism.

Strengthen the structural optimization and strategic layout of the means and methods of ecological environment governance in the new development stage

Any system has a certain internal structure, which is the basic way to combine and construct the elements of the system. Elements form a system through structure, which is an intermediate link to play its role. Even if the elements are the same, if the structure is different, the system and its function will eventually be different. Although graphite and diamond are both composed of carbon, their hardness is different due to different chemical formula. A good system lies not only in the good elements, but also in the good structure of the system. If the internal structure of a system is not good, not only the external function cannot be improved, but also a lot of internal friction will be caused. Therefore, in order to improve the system function, we must optimize and upgrade the internal structure of the system, and scientifically and reasonably layout the system elements.

The construction of ecological civilization involves the structure of resources and energy, the structure of economy and industry, the power structure of ecological environment governance, and the index structure of economic and social development assessment. At present, there is no fundamental change in China's industrial structure dominated by heavy chemical industry, energy structure dominated by coal and transportation structure dominated by road freight. In 2019, the added value of China's three industries accounted for 7.1%, 39.0% and 53.9% of GDP respectively. Compared with the developed countries in Europe and America, the proportion of the secondary industry is still high.

In terms of energy structure, China is the largest energy consumer, coal consumer, metal consumer and mineral consumer in the world. In 2019, energy consumption accounts for about 24% of the world's total energy consumption, coal consumption accounts for about 50% of the world's total energy consumption, coal consumption accounts for 57% of China's total energy consumption, and clean energy consumption accounts for only 23.4%. In terms of transportation structure, China's road freight accounts for 74% of the total freight in 2019. In terms of the power allocation structure of ecological environment governance, the role of market is slightly insufficient; the modern environmental governance system led by Party committee, government, enterprises, social organizations and the public has not yet been built, and the leadership responsibility system, enterprise responsibility system, whole people action system, regulatory system, market system, credit system, laws and regulations and policy system of environmental governance are still in development In the process of improvement. The goal system, assessment method, reward and punishment mechanism, which reflects the requirements of ecological civilization, is still being implemented.

Therefore, in order to promote the construction of ecological civilization in the new development stage, it is necessary to optimize and reorganize various means that restrict the effectiveness of China's ecological civilization construction, and make a strategic layout of various limited resources that support the construction of ecological civilization. We should change and optimize China's energy structure, increase the proportion of clean energy in energy consumption, and realize the efficient, safe, economic, and green transformation of energy utilization; we should change the development mode, optimize the economic structure, and transform the development momentum, and develop green industries with low resource consumption, low environmental pollution, and high economic benefits; we should unite the whole society's efforts to build ecological civilization With the great momentum, a modern environmental governance system has been formed, in which each has his own place and duty.

Strengthen the overall promotion and comprehensive development of the functions of the elements of the ecological civilization system in the new development stage

The system is a unified whole composed of several interrelated and interacting elements, and the integrity is the essential feature of the system. The concept of system also emphasizes the understanding of the whole from the interaction of elements. If a system lacks a certain element, especially the key element, its overall function will not be able to play out, or even paralyzed.

Therefore, to build ecological civilization, we should give full play to the function and effect of all the elements of ecological civilization. It is necessary to enhance the sense of crisis, pay close attention to mending weaknesses, plugging loopholes and strengthening weak points, carry out the construction of ecological civilization in all factors, all regions and all directions, make overall plans to repair and manage natural ecological elements such as mountains, water, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, and make overall plans for the construction of ecological civilization in urban and rural areas, East, West, land and sea.

The construction of ecological civilization is a big system. To build ecological civilization well, we should strive to build five systems: the ecological culture system with ecological values as the criterion, the ecological economy system with industrial ecology and Ecological Industrialization as the main body, the goal responsibility system with improving ecological environment quality as the core, and the ecological civilization system with governance system and governance capacity modernization as the guarantee It is an ecological security system focusing on the virtuous cycle of ecosystem and effective prevention and control of environmental risks. Among them, ecological culture is the soul of ecological civilization construction, ecological economic system is the material basis of ecological civilization construction, target responsibility system is the driving force, ecological civilization system is the guarantee of ecological civilization construction, and ecological security system is the basic baseline of strengthening ecological civilization construction. Only when these five systems are well constructed, all kinds of ecological civilization elements will form an overall force, and the construction of ecological civilization system will achieve the best effect.

Source: China Environment News

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