



Implementing Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law in an All-round Way and Protecting Water Environment with the Closest Rule of Law



      Tong Kenan, a reporter of China Environment Daily, reported in Beijing on July 29 that Wang Chen, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, chaired the third plenary meeting of the Law Enforcement and Inspection Group on Water Pollution Prevention and Control of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in Beijing on 29 July, stressed that we should adhere to the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era To implement the law of water pollution prevention and control in an all-round way, protect the water environment with the most rigorous rule of law, and meet the growing needs of the people's beautiful ecological environment. Shen Yue, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, attended the meeting.

      Wang Chen pointed out that since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's ecological environment protection has undergone historic, turning and overall changes, and the overall quality of water environment has maintained a momentum of continuous improvement, but the task of water pollution prevention and control is still arduous. This law enforcement inspection adheres to the problem-oriented approach and takes the prevention and control of water pollution according to law as a breakthrough. It promotes relevant regions and departments to actively explore new ways of high-quality development oriented by ecological priority and green development, and promotes the formation of a good atmosphere for the whole society to protect the water environment according to law.

       Wang Chen stressed that Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization should be deeply studied and implemented, that the implementation of new development ideas and transformation of development modes should be taken as the fundamental policy for water pollution prevention and control, and that efforts should be made to achieve coordinated progress between economic and social development and ecological environment protection. We should give full play to the role of rigid legal restraint and increase the punishment of water pollution violations. We should focus on ensuring the safety of drinking water and the treatment of black and odorous water bodies in cities, promote the solution of outstanding problems in water environmental protection, and constantly enhance the people's sense of access, happiness and security. We should listen carefully to the relevant departments of the State Council, the "two high" and other opinions, revise and improve the draft of the law enforcement inspection report, and effectively enhance the effectiveness of the supervision of law enforcement inspection by the National People's Congress.

Source: China Environment Daily

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