



The second half of environmental protection reform


The vertical reform of environmental protection is an important reform task during the 13th Five Year Plan period, and it is also a powerful grasp to promote the modernization of ecological environment governance system and governance capacity. At present, all localities have basically completed the task of reform, but to be realistic, some localities have only completed the work of institutional adjustment of ecological environment institutions, and there is still a long way to go to establish a management system of "combination of various areas, respective duties, clear rights and responsibilities, strong guarantee, authority and high efficiency".

To complete the reconstruction of organizational structure and realize the adjustment of organizational functions only solves the "general" problems. There is still a lot of work to be done before the "chemical reaction" really takes place. The author thinks that the vertical reform of environmental protection is still in the "in progress", we should continue to work hard and improve constantly according to the established reform plan, and pay attention to the "second half of the article".

Efforts should be made to strengthen vertical management. We should implement the dual leadership mechanism of the provincial eco-environmental department over the municipal eco-environmental department, and strengthen the construction of the party organization. We should establish and improve the cadre selection and appointment mechanism for exchanges between the upper and lower levels, inside and outside the country, as well as between local and other places. We will implement a cadre assessment mechanism based on routine assessment and special assessment. To realize the direct leadership of the Municipal Bureau of ecological environment over the county-level branches, to coordinate the allocation of human, financial, material and work information resources within the city, to unify the work standards, work procedures and discretion, to effectively solve the problems of local protectionism in the intervention of ecological environment monitoring and law enforcement, and to enhance the unity and authority of ecological environment monitoring and law enforcement.

Efforts should be made to implement the system and mechanism. We should give full play to the role of the deliberation and coordination organ, establish, improve and seriously implement the relevant systems and mechanisms. We should strengthen comprehensive decision-making, strengthen the linkage between departments, study and solve major problems of ecological and environmental protection in the region, promote the Party committee and government and relevant departments to implement the main responsibility of environmental protection, and form a joint force of environmental governance and supervision. We should give full play to the role of trans regional supervision institutions, standardize work procedures, carry out daily supervision, strengthen accountability, and solve trans regional and trans basin environmental problems as a whole. We should correctly implement the new "three fixed" Regulations of the ecological environment department, not offside or absent, and ensure the smooth operation of the new working mechanism, the continuous improvement of work efficiency and work effect.

We should work hard to achieve the unity of the Bureau and the team. In view of the actual situation that the administrative establishment of county-level sub bureaus is too small, according to the guidance on optimizing the law enforcement mode of ecological environment protection and improving the efficiency of law enforcement newly issued by the Ministry of ecological environment on January 7, 2021, we actively explore the county-level "bureau team station integration" operation mode suitable for the vertical management mode of monitoring and law enforcement below the provincial level. In order to meet the needs of administrative management and strengthen law enforcement at the grass-roots level, we should rationally allocate administrative and law enforcement personnel, reasonably set up internal management organizations and reasonably divide work responsibilities. We should scientifically solve the problem of law enforcement qualification, clarify the responsibility of law enforcement, strengthen the construction of law enforcement equipment, standardize law enforcement behavior, implement the whole area law enforcement in the city, and effectively improve the efficiency of law enforcement. At the same time, explore the establishment of township (street) ecological environment protection institutions, and consolidate the daily supervision responsibility of township level.

Source: China Environment News

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