



Enabling off-site supervision with intelligence


Recently, the Ministry of ecological environment issued the guidance on optimizing the law enforcement methods of ecological environment protection and improving the efficiency of law enforcement (hereinafter referred to as the guidance), requiring the implementation of off-site supervision. From a practical point of view, the use of automatic monitoring, big data, Internet of things and other technologies to achieve intelligent supervision is an important way to implement off-site supervision and efficiently coordinate administrative law enforcement resources. At present, many places in the country have explored the intelligent off-site supervision mode, which has made up for the shortcomings of the previous law enforcement supervision, and various advantages have gradually emerged.

Make up for the lack of personnel. Intelligent supervision has changed the "sea of people tactics" law enforcement supervision mode, and scientifically coordinated the limited law enforcement resources. Jing'an County, Jiangxi province adopts the Internet plus river length supervision mode to allow the management of rivers and lakes to connect to the "ecological cloud" platform. Even if the staff did not arrive at the scene, they can also monitor the water quality through the camera for 24 hours in real time. Once problems are found, they can be traced back to the source in time.

It forms a beneficial supplement to human resources. In the past, law enforcement and supervision relied on both feet, eyes and hands. However, it is difficult to solve some urgent and dangerous problems only by manpower, and the assistance of technical means can effectively improve work efficiency. Haining City, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, has built the "blue net project" to identify local pollutants and other information through lidar technology, stereo monitor the distribution and concentration of particles in the atmosphere, and form a visual radar monitoring map, just like "CT" for pollutants in the air, which can accurately and quickly locate the "focus".

The accuracy of law enforcement has been improved. Big data analysis technology can intelligently eliminate invalid data from massive regulatory information, screen clues and focus on problems. Internet of things technology connects people and things quickly, closely and accurately. Yinchuan Ecological Environment Bureau of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has launched the intelligent management platform for individual law enforcement and "4G intelligent mobile individual equipment". The actual situation of law enforcement scene and command center instructions can be uploaded and issued "point-to-point", realizing the real-time and accurate dispatching of law enforcement forces, and effectively improving the ability to deal with sudden environmental events.

The whole process and traceability are realized. Illegal discharge often lasts for a short time and has strong concealment, so it is difficult to fix the evidence only by on-site law enforcement inspection. The satellite application center of the Ministry of ecological environment has developed a solid waste law enforcement system, which can complete the navigation, positioning, verification, filling, photographing, transmission, storage, management and statistics of illegal dumping sites of solid waste, and realize the informatization of the whole process of supervision and law enforcement. App online information direct reporting changes the traditional mode of paper filling and list filling, and ensures the accuracy and efficiency of information filling

Security. The automatic stored process data is convenient to compare and check, lock the evidence, so as to improve the deterrent force and credibility of law enforcement and supervision.

It not only realizes the effective assistance, but also reduces the disturbance to the enterprise, which is conducive to getting the support of the enterprise and promoting the whole society to form a good law enforcement atmosphere. Nanning ecological environment monitoring center of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has developed a wechat robot called "Environmental Protection Assistant" to realize real-time man-machine dialogue and obtain environmental quality information in time based on automatic monitoring data platform.

Improve the people's satisfaction and sense of acquisition. Pingshan Management Bureau of Shenzhen Ecological Environment Bureau of Guangdong Province innovates and implements the "remote stop" noise supervision mode, and sets up an integrated intelligent monitoring system of "noise, video monitoring and remote call" in the pilot site. Once the site is found to have behaviors of overtime and over decibel, it immediately "stops" online, and the number of noise complaints decreases significantly.

According to the requirements of the guidance, the means and application of off-site supervision will become an important way of daily law enforcement inspection in the future. The law enforcement team of ecological environment should be prepared with corresponding thoughts and skills as soon as possible.

Enhance the awareness and level of using intelligent technology and equipment. Take the initiative to accept new things, learn to master new technology, and at the same time, use technology correctly. For example, the original intention of fog gun truck was to suppress the dust on the construction site, but it was wrongly used by some people to interfere with the monitoring point. Some places hope to explore new ways of law enforcement and supervision, but there is no current industry standard to refer to. Many places have launched HD "sky eye" monitoring system, which needs to ensure the monitoring effect and the privacy of residents. All eco-environmental departments should establish off-site supervision procedures, clarify work processes, implement responsibility requirements, and let intelligent technology and equipment operate under the framework of laws and regulations.

Application and R & D promote each other to form a long-term mechanism. Some intelligent law enforcement and supervision projects beat the drum when they started, but they died in the process of use due to inconvenient operation, broken capital chain, policy adjustment and other reasons. For example, some on-line monitoring instruments and equipment failure or deviation, or lead to the wrong enterprise, or by the enterprise fraud. The development of intelligent system needs scientific planning and full consideration of operability. In use, maintenance should be done to ensure the stable operation of the equipment. The Department of ecological environment should not only correctly grasp the standardized operation of equipment and technology, but also mobilize enterprises to cooperate in maintenance and operation. In view of the emerging new problems, we should constantly develop and update, and then optimize the application, so as to give full play to the effectiveness of intelligent methods in law enforcement and supervision.

All localities should lay out plans and sum up experience, change from "manual management" to "intelligent management", from "investigation results" to "investigation process", from "net spreading law enforcement" to "precise law enforcement", and complete the new requirements for ecological environment law enforcement and supervision in the fight against pollution, so as to truly solve environmental problems and satisfy the people.

Source: China Environment News

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